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Board of Directors

Mid Oregon Credit Union is served by a volunteer board of seven directors. The directors are elected to three-year terms by the members and announced each year at the annual meeting.

Call for Nominations 2021 Board of Directors
Mid Oregon Credit Union is now accepting nominations for open positions on the Mid Oregon Board of Directors. 
To serve on the board, Members must be at least 18 years of age. Each volunteer position consists of a three-year  term.
If you would like to be considered for a board position, please submit a resume and a letter expressing your willingness to serve, and mail to:
Nominating Committee, PO Box 6749, Bend, OR 97708-6749 or request a nominations packet by email at 
The deadline for submitting your nomination is October 30, 2020. 

2019-2020 Mid Oregon Credit Union Board of Directors:

  • Chairman: Michael Powell
  • Vice Chair: Tim Johnson
  • Secretary: John Rexford
  • Director: Rick Molitor
  • Director: Doug Nelson
  • Director: Angela Price
  • Director: Jan Uffelman

2020 Elections—Nominees' Statements

Mid Oregon's Board of Directors is made up of members who volunteer their time and expertise in service to the membership fo the credit union. The board is responsible for strategic planning and ensures that the institution remains stable, secure and focused on member needs.